.. _system-design: ===================================== System Design ===================================== .. note:: This is a space for my notes on system design interviews and models. ---------------------------------- System Design Resources ---------------------------------- These are a few great resources for learning about system design. 1. Martin Kleppmann - Designing Data Intensive Applications a. `Book `_ b. `Martin Kleppmann's Distributed Systems Course `_ c. `Martin Kleppmann on the Software Daily Podcast `_ d. :ref:`Notes ` 2. Alex Petrov - Database Internals a. `Book `_ b. `Devoxx Talk - What Every Programmer has to know about Database Storage `_ c. `Software Engineering Radio Podcast - Alex Petrov on Database Storage Engines `_ d. `InfoQ QCon SF 2018 - Alex Petrov on Algorithms Behind Modern Storage Systems `_ e. :ref:`Notes ` 3. MIT 6.824 Distributed Systems a. `Video Course on Youtube `_ b. :ref:`Notes ` 4. Resources on Github a. `System Design Primer `_ b. `Awesome System Design List `_ c. `Awesome Scalability List `_ d. `FAANG Interview Preparation Notes `_ ------------------------ System Design Problems ------------------------ This section details my designs for common system design problem varieties. .. toctree:: :caption: System Design Problems bookmyshow/index code-deployment/index data-platform/index dropbox/index facebook/index netflix/index postgres-sharding/index swiggy/index travelling-salesman/index twitter/index uber/index .. _system-design-resources: