Cracking the Coding Interview - Gayle Laakmann McDowell


This is the definitive book on studying for an interview.

Chapter I-VII - Before the Technical Interview

Chapter 1 - Arrays and Strings

Chapter 2 - Linked Lists

Chapter 3 - Stacks and Queues

Chapter 4 - Trees and Graphs

Chapter 5 - Bit Manipulation

Chapter 6 - Brain Teasers

Chapter 7 - Mathematics and Probability

Chapter 8 - Object-Oriented Design

Chapter 9 - Recursion and Dynamic Programming

Chapter 10 - Scalability and Memory Limits

Chapter 11 - Sorting and Searching

Chapter 12 - Testing

Chapter 13 - C and C++

Chapter 14 - Java

Chapter 15 - Databases

Chapter 16 - Threads and Locals

Chapter 17 - Moderate Problems

Chapter 18 - Hard Problems